Surprise! It is a late Sunday for our Meet the Editors series, but it is also the last of the semester. Joshua Kosteka is the final editor of the JFR editors and his introduction is the send-off for the series. Josh has taken the role of the layout editor and here is his more about him:
Joshua is a senior at Lewis University, majoring in English Professional Writing. Before transferring to Lewis, he graduated from Moraine Valley Community College with an Associates in Art. Other than being an editor with Jet Fuel Review, he is a tutor in the Writing Center, and a Retail Stocker at Dollar Tree. Joshua loves to read novels and loves anything that has to do with the Horror genre. He loves to watch Horror movies and to listen to music in his free time. His favorite series in the Horror genre is the Evil Dead universe and his two favorite writers are Hiroshi Sakurazaka and Stephen King.
Below is Kosteka’s Q and A:
-Who are you and what is your role in the Jet Fuel Review?
My name is Joshua Kostecka, and I am the Layout Editor, Assistant Copy Editor, and Assistant Fiction Editor for Jet Fuel Review.
-What book might we find on your nightstand right now?
As of right now The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien, and I am super excited to finally start reading it.
-If you had the chance to co-write with one author, who would you choose? Why?
I would co-write with J. R. R. Tolkien because I always enjoyed the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit. Also, I really enjoy how he crafts his books together and all the lore that he has created. I feel as though he truly aims to the reader’s imagination.
-Describe your perfect reading atmosphere.
My perfect reading atmosphere is anywhere that is completely quiet. I can truly immerse myself when in a quiet place.
-What might your personal library look like?
My personal library ranges from Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and some Autobiographies.
-If you could “re-make” a poorly written movie that was based on a book, what movie would it be?
I would have to pick The Edge of Tomorrow, which is based on All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka.
-What piece of literature can you reread over and over again?
I am not fond of reading anything over and over because I normally just look for something new to read.
-Give us a quote from your favorite (or any) book/movie.
“There is what we desire to do, and what we are able to do. When those two things don’t coincide, which path should we pursue to find happiness?” – All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
-If you were invited to have coffee with any fictional character, who would you most like to meet? Why?
I don’t drink coffee, but I would probably want to hang out with Ash Williams. The reason I choose him is that I would want his sense of what he considers to be truly terrifying since he is a satirical character in the horror genre.
-Share your top five favorite pieces of writing (anything included, be it movies, books, etc.).
- Army of Darkness by Sam Raimi
- All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
- Disease by Beartooth
- Common Courtesy by A Day to Remember
- My Hero Academia – (2014 – )