Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Good evening, blog readers! We’ve reached the end of another week and that means it’s time to review what’s been posted lately on the blog. But first, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Semester, if you happen to be returning to school at this time of the year. A new semester means that we’ll be gearing up to release a new issue of the Jet Fuel Review. But while you’re waiting, be sure to check out our latest issue. Yes, the fifth issue is still around and it’s packed with awesome art, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction from very talented writers and artists. Now, let’s get to those blog posts!
After a one-week hiatus, the blog returned with a Writing Advice post all about training as a writer. No, this doesn’t mean that I’m going to be running in a marathon. The post simply talked about how, just as athletes keep their bodies in shape for what they do, writers must keep their brains in shape as well. Our Awesome Literary Thing was classic book stair decals that you can use to decorate your home in a bookish way. And the featured poem that week was Freeze by Ed Pavlić.
This week was a bit more truncated, unfortunately, with just two posts on the blog. The discussion post tackled the idea of “real” writers and presented a flowchart from Chuck Wendig, which makes it clear that we are all “real” writers. And the featured poem was Child is Father, by Colleen O’Brien.
I hope you’ll join us next week for more literary posts!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan