Hello, readers, and welcome to another installment of Editor’s Notes, the weekly round-up post. We’ve got some interesting posts to talk about this week because we’ve had some new additions to the regular line-up. Before we get to that, though, I’d like to give you all some news. The Review‘s fall 2013 reading period has now been closed! The new and amazing edition of the Jet Fuel Review will be released this month, on November 21st. If you submitted your work, good luck to you! You will be hearing from the editors in the near future. And now, let’s take a look at what was featured on the blog recently.
Two weeks ago, the Writing Advice post covered the index card approach. If you like to have your plot points movable, and your character cards easy to flip through, then this might be the planning method for you. The discussion post was all about listening to music while writing. Everyone has their own preference; some writers enjoy silence, others like instrumental music, and others like rock tunes. Where do you fall in this discussion? Go share in the comments! Our featured poem that week was What Is, by Peter Cole. And, finally, we had another “Meet the Editors” feature, this time with Roslyn Summerville, a Fiction Editor and Assistant Communications & Media Editor for the Jet Fuel Review.
This past week, the Writing Advice post was about flying by the seat of your pants while writing. This was the final post in my planning series and I hope you found it helpful! The discussion post last week covered National Novel Writing Month, which was fitting because November began on Friday of last week! Are you participating? Would you ever consider participating? Go to the post and share in the comments! The featured poem was Elegy, by Vijay Seshadri. And our “Meet the Editors” feature this week was all about the Review‘s Assistant Managing Editor, Michelle Staie. Be sure to check out that post, as well as our other “Meet the Editors” posts.
Hope you enjoyed our posts over the past two weeks, and I hope your November has gotten off to a smashing start.
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan