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Meet the Editors: Stephanie Raga

Stephanie Raga

Stephanie Raga

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another installment of “Meet the Editors.” This week we feature Stephanie Raga, who serves as the Communications and Media Editor and the Assistant Nonfiction Editor for the Jet Fuel Review. Stephanie’s major is English Language and Literature with a minor in Philosophy. Not only is she an editor on the Jet Fuel Review, she is also a member of Sigma Tau Delta as well as a writing tutor. When she is not working on schoolwork or helping others accomplish their writing goals, she can be found stuck in a book or writing for pleasure.

Now, here is what Stephanie had to say when we asked her a few questions. Many thanks to Melissa Carrington, the Assistant Blog Editor, for developing these questions!

Who are you and what is your role in the Jet Fuel Review?
My name is Stephanie Raga and I am the Communications and Media Editor as well as the Assistant Nonfiction Editor.

What book might we find on your nightstand right now?
On top of my reading lists that I have for my classes, I am reading a couple books on the side. Right now I am reading Divergent by Veronica Roth and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

If you had the chance to co-write with one author, who would you choose? Why?
I would definitely love to co-write with J.K. Rowling. The Harry Potter series were my favorite books growing up and if I had the chance to write with the mind behind the story, it would be a dream come true.

Describe your perfect reading atmosphere.
I need to be in peace to read. I cannot read with a lot of noise or distractions around me. This is why I prefer to read somewhere in the library where I can be by myself. Although, the perfect reading place would be where I can sit in a hammock on a private beach.

What might your personal library look like?
I currently have two bookshelves at my home. One consists of the books that I have read for my classes and the other contains some of my favorite pieces of literature.

If you could “re-make” a poorly written movie that was based on a book, what movie would it be?
Twilight. I mean, come on. The acting in these movies are awful. If I remade this movie, I would definitely get a new cast that could actually act.

What piece of literature can you reread over and over again?
The only books that I have been able to reread are the Harry Potter series. Other than that, I don’t usually reread anything. I like to read a text and move on to something new.

Give us a quote from your favorite (or any) book/movie.
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.” – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

“The more you like a girl, the less she likes you. It’s like fucking scientific” – Hairstyles of the Damned

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you” Walt Whitman

If you were invited to have coffee with any fictional character, who would you most like to meet? Why?
I would love to just sit and talk to Hermione Granger. I feel that she would have so many interesting things to say and information to share with me. Also, I feel like she would be the perfect teacher to teach me magic. :)

Share your top five favorite pieces of writing (anything included).

  1. The Harry Potter series (duh)
  2. Hairstyles of the Damned by Joe Meno
  3. My Friend Leonard by James Frey
  4. It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
  5. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


There you have it! I hope you enjoyed getting to know Stephanie! We should have another one of these posts for you soon. In the meantime, you can check out our previous question-and-answer sessions right here.

– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan

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