Hello, folks, and welcome to another editor’s round-up post! I hope you’ve all been enjoying the summer weather that has finally come our way. If you’re looking for something to read this summer, then look no further than the latest issue of the Jet Fuel Review. We’ve recently released the seventh issue, which you can find right here. In this seventh issue we are very excited to publish the work of such writers as Yvonne Higgins Leach and Michael Anania as well as other authors and artists from around the world. This issue is even available as an eBook, which you can download HERE. Now, onto this week’s round-up.
A few weeks ago, we featured a Writing Advice post that was all about creating checkpoints in your story. Creating certain milestones for your characters to reach can help you stay on track with your plot. The featured poem that week was For a Traveler, by Jessica Greenbaum. The following week, the Writing Advice post focused on rewriting. It can be a difficult and sometimes annoying process, but rewriting is something that all writers encounter eventually. Check out the post for some tips and tricks. The discussion post that week featured on an ‘Awesome Literary Thing’: book soundtracks! And we featured the poem For the Birds, by Cathryn Essinger that week.
The last time we had some posts here on the blog, the Writing Advice post was about discipline, and how it matters in comparison to talent. In the long run, it’s far more important that you have the discipline to sit down and actually do the writing than any vague concept of “talent.” The discussion post was all about summer reads. What do you plan on reading this summer? Come and share in the discussion post! And our latest featured poem was The Wild, by Justine Cook.
If you think that any of these posts sound interesting, I would encourage you to go back and check them out. Feel free to leave us some comments about whether you like the posts or you don’t. Continue to enjoy your summer, and happy writing!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan