Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Good evening, blog readers! I hope you’ve all been having a wonderful summer so far. Although the blog has been a bit quiet lately, we do have some posts to round up in this week’s Editor’s Notes post. Firstly, though, I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you all of the latest issue of the Jet Fuel Review, which you can check out right now. If you’re looking for some new poetry, fiction, and non-fiction to read, be sure to check out this latest issue. In this issue we are very excited to publish the work of such writers as Yvonne Higgins Leach and Michael Anania as well as other authors and artists from around the world. This issue is even available as an eBook, which you can download HERE.
And now for this week’s round-up. We’ve had a lot of Writing Advice posts on the blog recently, and I hope you’ve been enjoying them all. First up, we had a post about maintaining an optimistic attitude about everything in your writing life. Basically, you should attempt to view everything positively, and try to learn from every experience. The next advice post took on the topic of exposition, or description. Exposition can be one of the hardest things to tackle in a story, but it does play an important role. Check out the post for more information. We also posted some writing advice on the three things a good character needs: motivation, action, and consequence.
Finally, we had a Writing Advice post that is near and dear to my heart. This post discussed writing hiatuses — either planned or spontaneous — and how to deal with them. It is important to remember that life things are going to happen and will most likely get in the way of your writing. Sometimes you just have to let that happen, with the knowledge that you will return to writing when your life has gotten a bit quieter. I know I can’t wait to get back to writing, because I’ve had to take a hiatus for most of the month of July.
Here at the blog we also featured a discussion post on yet another Awesome Literary Thing. This time it was libraries! If you love your local library, or have a library-related story to tell, be sure to check out this post. We also recently featured two poems on the blog. These poems were The Girls are Sleeping by Antonina Palisano, and Shark’s Tooth by Joshua Mehigan.
Thanks for sticking with the Jet Fuel Review blog, and I hope you enjoy the posts we have to come!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan