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Editor’s Notes #112


Welcome, readers, to this week’s wrap-up post. First, a quick bit of business about the Jet Fuel Review. Though your window of opportunity is closing, the Spring 2013 reading period for the Jet Fuel Review is still open! You have until March 15th to send in your material for consideration. This is your final week to submit! You are all encouraged to send in your poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and art to be considered for publishing in the Review’s Spring 2013 issue. You can send your submissions to this email address: lewislitjournal@gmail.com. We look forward to receiving your work!

The week began with this Writing Advice post about the virtues of writing without knowing how your story will end. It’s an interesting way to go about writing, but I think there are definitely some advantages to writing blind. This week’s Discussion post was all about your book pile. What’s in your book pile? What does the pile look like? Leave your own book pile details in the comments over there! This week’s Books on Screen from our assistant blog editor Lauren was all about the Harry Potter movie series.

The featured poem this week from Slate was Creation Mythwritten by Josh Kalscheur. Lucas’ Bibliophilia this week was about the fascinating and quite strange tale of Roger Babson and Dogtown. Liz’s News of the Books post this week focused on a very interesting graph from an organization called VIDA and the involvement of women in the literary world. It’s a very interesting read that will raise your feminist hackles. To end the week, Lauren’s Fictional Friday was all about the author Jim Butcher.

Thanks for reading the Jet Fuel blog this week. We hope to see you around next week!

– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan

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