Hello, blog readers! I hope you’ve all been having a great weekend. It’s time once again to look back at the posts we’ve been featuring here on the blog. But first, we have same exciting news. Issue #8 of the Jet Fuel Review, the Fall 2014 issue, is now available! As always, the Review has published some truly exception work in the fields of non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and art. If you’re on-the-go, you can download an eBook version of this latest issue to read anywhere at all. We hope that you check out this latest issue and that you enjoy reading it. Thanks to everyone who contributed their work and to all the editors who helped put the issue together.
Looking back at our posts these past few weeks, let’s start with some writing advice. This advice this past week focused on the ability to be adaptable in your writing. Don’t adhere too closely to one style or technique of writing. And we featured a poem this past week entitled Night Text, which was written by Sarah Maclay.
Even as our editors have been busy putting together the latest issue of the Jet Fuel Review, they have still had time to post here on the blog. Jessica Jordan featured another literary heroine in her spotlight post. This time around it was Tris Prior from the Divergent series. Grant Mazan posted another installment of his “Literary Libations” series, in which he discussed Jack Kerouac’s love of the margarita. In her book corner, Sabrina Parr reviewed Galaxy Craze’s The Last Princess. And in another great Shakespeare post, Dominique Dusek wrote in defense of Lady Macbeth.
Our film bloggers also wrote some great posts recently. Mike Egan wrote about the movie Rushmore and the “child civilization” that it portrayed. He also wrote about Dogme 95, a style of filmmaking used in the film Festen. Miguel Gonzalez wrote up a review of Interstellar. Check it out if you’re interested, but beware — there are spoilers!
Finally, our film bloggers were also featured in this week’s and last week’s “Meet the Editors” feature. Last week we learned more about Miguel Gonzalez, and this week we learned more about Mike Egan. Be sure to check those posts out!
I hope you enjoyed our recent posts here at the Jet Fuel Review blog. A quick reminder — you can now read Issue #8 of the Jet Fuel Review. Be sure to check that out for new poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art.
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan