Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Evening, readers! First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who submitted their work to the next issue of the Jet Fuel Review. As our website states, the submission period is now closed. The spring 2013 issue will be released on April 25th, so look out for that! Over the next few weeks our editors will be deliberating over which pieces will be chosen for inclusion in the spring 2013 issue of the Review. For now, let’s take a look at this last week of posts on the Jet Fuel blog.
The week started off with a Writing Advice post all about romanticizing your writing life. A bit of romanticizing might inspire you to sit down and get to work on your writing, but don’t become preoccupied with living the ‘writer’s lifestyle.’ The Discussion post on Tuesday talked about the power of books in a bibliophile’s life and how, quite often, books trump all else.
Lauren’s latest Books on Screen post talked about the worst adaptations from books to movies. Of course Twilight made an appearance, but she also talks about The Last Airbender and The Green Lantern. Be sure to check out this post if you agree or disagree with what she says. On Friday, Liz’s News of the Books covered the banning of Persepolis at Lane Tech High School in Chicago. And, finally, Lauren’s Fictional Friday spotlight landed on Sherlock Holmes this week.
Thanks for reading this week. We hope you stick around for some more posts!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan