With the end of the Harry Potter and Twilight series, fan-nerds all over the world are going crazy over The Hunger Games. The movie is set to be a trilogy, marked after the books, with the second movie set to release this November.
Overall, I thought that the movie adaptation was really successful and followed the movie pretty closely. I thought that the beginning could use a narrative exposition rather than having the audience read the entire thing. I was also disappointed that the mayor’s daughter didn’t make an appearance, forcing Katniss to find the mockingjay pin through a less meaningful route. They also never really explained the marketplace in District 12. It was just kind of there, and it lost its effectiveness as an important place.
Let’s talk about casting for a minute. I think Jennifer Lawrence was good as Katniss. She had the look down and everything, but I wish she would’ve shown a little more expression in her face during certain situations. Liam Hemsworth makes for a great Gale, but Josh Hutcherson is not someone that I’d have pictured for Peeta. Peeta is supposed to be a tall buff guy, and Josh is shorter than Jennifer is. Gale and Peeta are also supposed to be the love interests to Katniss, but clearly Gale should be the choice, even though she eventually chooses Peeta. I was pretty disappointed with him, but he does an okay job acting the part. I was also kind of disappointed with Cinna. I think the person who played him was fine, but in the book, it seemed like Cinna was a lot more outgoing, whereas in the movie, he was very understated.
Although I had a lot of complaints about the movie, I also think it was fairly true to the book. I just think that it was hyped up so much that we expected too much of it and were ultimately disappointed because it didn’t meet all of our qualifications. I hope that the sequels will be better and continue to grow, but we’ll have to wait until November to find out.
-Lauren Pirc, Assistant Blog Editor