Welcome, blog readers, to another Wednesday. On Wednesdays here, we feature new poetry for you to read and discover. Maybe you’ll find your next favorite poet in one of these posts. These new poems come from Poetry Daily, which is a really helpful site to visit when you’re searching for new poetry. This week we’re featuring Furs Not Mine by Andrea Cohen. It’s a short poem, but I really like what Cohen does with language in that short space, and I like the message that comes across.
According to her bio page, Andrea Cohen has written several collections of poetry, including The Cartographer’s Vacation, Long Division, and Kentucky Derby. Her work has also appeared in publications such as The New Republic, The New Yorker, and Poetry. She has received a PENDiscovery Award and Glimmer Train‘s Short Fiction Award. She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Furs Not Mine by Andrea Cohen
The Russians have a way of saying
what must be said, and oneneed not be or speak Russian
to comprehend the senseof furs not mine. One need only
to have known deep cold, an inmostSiberia made more Siberian by one
who basks nearby, oblivious in her Bolivia.
I hope you liked this week’s short, but sweet poem! For more of these posts, click right here.
— Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan