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Editor’s Notes #166


Happy Sunday, blog readers! I hope that everyone has been enjoying the summer so far. Before I recap what’s been going on at the blog recently, I just want to remind you about all of the back issues of the Jet Fuel Review that are available for you to read. This, of course, includes our most recently publication. Issue #9 of the Jet Fuel Review is now available for you to enjoy. It includes amazing new poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art from wonderful authors and artists. Read it on the beach, in your hotel room, or in your own backyard!

In terms of writing advice, I’ve been covering lots of different topics recently. A few weeks ago, I wrote about tips for outlining. Instead of following a stream of consciousness style of description for your personal story guide, try relying on the words meanwhilebut, and therefore. I also wrote about creating character histories. Doing this will help you know your characters better, and therefore write them in a more believable way. Another technique you can use to better understand your characters, which I wrote about a few weeks back, is use dialogue. Let your characters do the talking for once, and then listen! Finally, just this past Monday, I wrote about the opening to your story and ways that you might improve it.

In addition, we have continued to feature poetry here on the blog. Our featured poems include Self Portrait with Coyotes by Cynthia Cruz, My Herculaneum by Jennifer Franklin, Induction by Annie Freud, and Furs Not Mine by Andrea Cohen. I highly recommend checking out all of these poetry posts.

On top of all of this, Michael Lane has continued to review every season of the old HBO series, “Tales from the Crypt.” His reviews are always entertaining and insightful, so I recommend checking them out! Recently, he has reviewed season 3, season 4, and season 5. Click through to see what he thought of each season.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the summer content on the blog so far. Stick around for more!

— Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan

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