Hi, blog readers! Thanks for sticking with us through another week, and what a week it was. We’ve had a some great new folks join the Jet Fuel Review blog, and we’ve just had some great content in general.
Before we get to those posts, I want to remind you to check out the new and improved Jet Fuel Review website. We’ve revamped the site and I think it looks fantastic, so be sure to check that out. While you’re there, you might notice that submission period is now open! You can send in your fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and art for consideration until October 15th. You’ve got a few more days, so send in your work!
In this week’s Writing Advice post, I wrote about the need to sit yourself down and crank out some words. It sounds simple, but that’s the only way to spark your creativity and create a routine at the same time. So, get writing! Then we introduced our newest blogger — Jake Johnson. Jake is going to be blogging about music, and he brings with him the new “Jet Fuel Jukebox” feature. Be sure to check our our Spotify playlist and stay tuned for a new one this week! This week we featured the poem Sparks by Kita Shantiris.
On Wednesday, Jake Johnson posted his first music review. He discussed Carly Rae Jepsen’s album, “E•MO•TION.” Sabrina Parr reviewed the book Haven by Kristi Cook. Miguel Gonzalez, one of our film bloggers, wrote about “The Martian” and what it means for the future of film making. Michael Cotter has returned and he wrote about NBC’s “Hannibal” in his latest post. And Michael Lane wrote a review of the video game “SOMA.” Finally, be sure to check out this week’s ‘Meet the Editors’ post, which is all about Jake Johnson.
Stay tuned next week for more blog posts!
— Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan