Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Good evening, readers! Welcome to this week’s editor’s notebook round-up of posts. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this week’s posts, and I hope you’ve gotten some time off for this holiday weekend. With a new week about to begin, let’s take a look at the blog posts we featured this week.
The week kicked off, as it always does, with a Writing Advice post. This week the post discussed music to write by and how that might help with writing flow and momentum. What do you think about using music while writing? Share it in the comments! In the Horror Blog this week, Mike covered Edward Bryant’s short story Dancing Chickens. In the Discussion post this week, we visited the idea of judging a book by its cover and why we are probably all guilty of it at some time. I discussed some of my favorite book covers; come and share yours in the comments! Lauren’s Books on Screen post this week featured the very popular movie, The Hunger Games. What do you think of this movie adaptation?
The featured poem from Slate this week was After Love, written by Alan Michael Parker. At the end of the week, Lauren’s Fictional Friday post covered the first person shooter video game with an expansive universe: BioShock. This afternoon, the third part of Linda’s Sherlock Holmes serial story was posted. Last week I neglected to mention the second part that was posted, so I’d like to feature both links here now. To read part two of the serial, click here. To read part three of the serial, click here. Enjoy!
Thanks for sticking with us for another week. I hope you all had a great weekend!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan