Boy am I glad that it’s Friday. Aren’t you, dear reader? This week we have a new Jet Fuel Review editor to present to you. This week’s featured editor is Jeff Jurinek, who is a fiction editor, assistant non-fiction editor, and assistant layout editor for the Review.
Jeff is a 27-year-old, 5th-year Junior who recently returned to school full time to answer a calling to become a teacher. He spent the past five years working as a successful Sales Rep and Production Manager, but decided to walk away to pursue a career helping young people and making a difference in the world. With a major in English/Secondary Education and a minor in Athletic Coaching, he aspires to become a high school English teacher along with coaching football, cross country, and track. He believes first and foremost that proper use of the English language is an art form learned and practiced by far too few in these modern times. In his spare time, he runs marathons and follows Dave Matthews Band on tour to all ends of the Earth.
Below is our Q&A with Jeff:
Who are you and what is your role in the Jet Fuel Review?
My name is Jeff, and I am a Fiction Editor, Assistant Non-Fiction Editor, and the Assistant Layout Editor.
What book might we find on your nightstand right now?
Anthologies of British and American Literature; I have had little time to read anything outside of what is required for my classes at the moment.
If you had the chance to co-write with one author, who would you choose? Why?
Hunter S. Thompson, although the experience would probably kill me. My curiosity of what punishments a writer’s brain would have to endure to get into that mindset fuels that choice.
Describe your perfect reading atmosphere.
Absolute silence.
What might your personal library look like?
Lots of classics. Basically all of the English Curriculum novels we had to read in grades four through twelve — most of which I stole because I wanted to start building my own personal library. Toss in some sports biographies and coffee-table books with lots of big pictures of airplanes, stadiums, and bands I’ve traveled the country to see live. Fairly accurately describes my current personal library situation.
If you could “re-make” a poorly written movie that was based on a book, what movie would it be?
I’m a terrible judge of this. I’m the guy that seeks out the book because I liked the movie. It clouds my judgement.
What piece of literature can you reread over and over again?
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper. It’s probably the most cliché answer, but after reading it several times you finally understand it has NOTHING to do with racism. Seriously. Read it again. It has nothing to do with race relations; that’s just a context of the story.
Give us a quote from your favorite (or any) book/movie.
“In this life, you don’t have to prove nothing to nobody, except yourself” – From the scene in Rudy where the groundskeeper gets on Rudy’s case for quitting the team. I could rattle off a hundred other Notre Dame-related quotes here as well if anyonewould like me to.
If you were invited to have coffee with any fictional character, who would you most like to meet? Why?
Holden Caulfield from J.D. Sallinger’s Catcher in the Rye, so that I could buy him a drink and tell him to quit whining. If he made another excuse about anything I’d probably hit him.
Share your top five favorite pieces of writing (anything included).
- Death Of A Salesman by Arthur Miller
- Sportwriter Grantland Rice’s “Four Hourseman” article about the Notre Dame vs. Army football game from the 1920’s
- Each and every one of the 200-some songs written and performed by Dave Matthews Band
- To Kill A Mockingbird by Lee Harper
- My own writing
Please come back next Friday as we take a look at another new editor!