Hello, blog readers! Before we break for the holidays, I thought I would do an editor’s round-up of the posts that have gone up in recent weeks. Of course, there is a lot to cover. But to begin with, I want to remind you all that the 10th issue of the Jet Fuel Review is now live for you to read and enjoy. We posted an announcement about it earlier this month when the issue first launched. There is some truly stunning poetry, art, fiction, and non-fiction in this new issue, so I encourage you to check it out.
Several writing advice posts have gone up recently, beginning with a post that discussed the importance of conflict in your story. As November ended, so did National Novel Writing Month, so I wrote about the ending of your story and how you should keep one in mind as you write. Once NaNoWriMo was over, I ruminated on how to write more even when it’s not November. If you’re feeling stuck, check out the tips and tricks mentioned in that post. To help you juggle many ideas at once, I wrote about scene tent poles that can keep you on track while writing. Finally, I wrote about the so-called chasm of doubt that all writers experience now and then.
We’ve continued featuring poems here on the blog, as usual. Our recent featured poems include A Matter of Life and Death by Sinéad Morrissey; Rain, or a local poet long gone returns home by Jeffrey Thomson; Those Minor Regrets by Adrian Matejka; and Five Moose Night by Robert Wrigley.
There have been some great music-related posts here on the blog recently. Of course, Michael Lane and Jake Johnson have continued to create weekly playlists. Be sure to check out their Jet Fuel Jukebox posts for December 1 and December 8. In the latter half of the month, they wrote up their Top 50 Songs of 2015 as well as their Top 10 Albums of 2015. These posts are a great way to discover new music; I know I’ve taken a few recommendations from Jake Johnson this fall! Jake also wrote an album review for Adele’s newest release, 25.
Finally, we had a few outlier posts that don’t fit into any other categories. Michael Lane wrote — very humorously — about his continuing disappointment with AMC’s The Walking Dead. I wrote a review of Career of Evil, the latest crime novel to be released under J.K. Rowling’s pseudonyn, Robert Galbraith. And we had a Faculty Feature in the form of a poem from Dr. Michael Cunningham, entitled Ex Voto.
I hope you’ve enjoyed what we’ve put together for you on the blog in these last few months. I want to thank Michael Lane for his dedication to posting new and great content here throughout the fall. His help is thoroughly appreciated! Be sure to check out the Jet Fuel Review‘s 10th issue, and have a very Happy Holiday.
— Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan