Oh, Friday. How magnificent a day you are. Marking the beginning of a well-deserved weekend, book-ending probably what was a stressful set of weekdays. Today, of course, we have for you a new installment in our “Meet the Editors” series, in which we’re focusing on our new Media and Communications editor, Carrera Powell.
Carrera Powell (she goes by “Rae”) is a sophomore at Lewis University majoring in creative and professional writing. She likes horror films and science fiction books. She hopes to either work in the film industry or write scholarly articles about historical artifacts. When she’s not in class, Rae likes writing short stories, watching films, and
drinking coffee.
Below is our Q&A with Rae:
Who are you and what is your role in the Jet Fuel Review?
My name is Rae, I am the Media and Communications Editor and an
assistant Fiction Editor.
What book might we find on your nightstand right now?
Right now I’m reading Stephen King’s Misery.
If you had the chance to co-write with one author, who would you choose? Why?
Neil Gaiman, because I love how he weaves stories that are scary but
truly draw you in and make you think.
Describe your perfect reading atmosphere.
I usually read in a big comfy chair in a VERY quiet space. I never sit
normally in the chair, though. You can regularly find me reading upside
down or draped over one of the arms of the chair!
What might your personal library look like?
As a kid I was so jealous of Belle’s library in Beauty and the Beast!
I wanted a whole room full of books that I’ve read over and over with
comforting worn covers and dog-eared pages.
If you could “re-make” a poorly written movie that was based on a
book, what movie would it be?
As much as I, for the most part, love the Carrie movies, they don’t
accurately represent the titular character! That always bothered me. Carrie was
supposed to be chubby and mousy and the movies made her lanky and
What piece of literature can you reread over and over again?
It’s a tie between two very different pieces. The first is Shakespeare’s
Hamlet. The second is a young adult novel by Libba Bray called Going
Bovine, about a kid with Mad Cow Disease.
Give us a quote from your favorite (or any) book/movie.
My favorite book quote is from the graphic novel Watchmen by Alan
Moore: “American love…like coke in green glass bottles…they don’t
make it anymore.”
My favorite movie quote is from Pulp Fiction (1994): “I’m tryin’
Ringo. I’m tryin’ real hard to be the shepherd.”
If you were invited to have coffee with any fictional character, who
would you most like to meet? Why?
Probably Hermione from the Harry Potter series. She’d be the best girl friend!
She’s smart and witty and has no fear!
Share your top five favorite pieces of writing (anything included, be
it movies, books, etc.).
In no particular order:
– Kill Bill Vol. 1, directed by Quentin Tarantino
– Hamlet by Shakespeare
– The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
– Other People by Neil Gaiman
– Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird by Wallace Stephens
There you have it! Our latest look at a new face here at the Jet Fuel Review! Be sure to come back next week when we present to you another new editor!