Hello, blog readers! It’s time for another installment of our Pick-a-Poem series here on the blog. On Wednesdays, we feature a new poem from the website Poetry Daily. This is a great website that features a new poem every day. If you’re looking for something new to read, be sure to check out that site! This week we’re featuring Techno-Origami by Haji Khavari.
According to the In Translation website, Haji Khavari is a young poet raised in Iran. He was a 2014 finalist in a regional poetry competition and currently edits Plastic Rose, a zine of postmodern literature. His work has been translated by Roger Sederat, who teaches poetry and translation in the MFA Program at Queens College, City University of New York.
Techno-Origami by Haji Khavari
The 3-D printer
worked overtime
sculpting lemon trees
complete with bees
on budding flowers.
The overheated machine
filled the cardboard orchard
with the scent of hot plastic.
The 12th nightingale arrived
like a prophet
in a cloud of smoke,
considering the same hand
that pushed “print”
remained destined to strike
a single match
and wave goodbye
to a paradise
of paper.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s featured poem! For more posts like this, click here.
— Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan