Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Welcome, blog readers, to this week’s round up of posts! Before we get to that, though, I’d like to remind you all that the launch of the Jet Fuel Review’s Spring 2013 issue is set to take place this Thursday, the 25th of April. If you’re reading this blog and you are a student at Lewis University, come on out for the Jet Fuel Review’s fifth launch event. In the meantime, feel free to check out the past issues of the Jet Fuel Review. And now, let’s take a look at this past week’s posts.
On Monday, the Writing Advice post here talked about skipping scenes that are tough to write, which came from some advice from John Steinbeck. In the course of writing, you will eventually come across scenes that are difficult to write. Skip them, carry on, and come back to them later. In this week’s Horror Blog, Mike covered “Teratisms,” a short story by Kathe Koja. This week in Books on Screen, Lauren talked about a classic Stephen King novel, Carrie, and its remake set to be released this coming October.
This week’s Poem from Slate was Upon Hearing of Another Marriage Breaking Up by Dean Young. Lucas’ Bibliophilia post this week discussed a pretty entertaining book – The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals – that talks about animals put on trial. This week happened to be National Library week, and you can read our post about here. Finally, today saw the release of the next installment in Linda’s ongoing Sherlock Holmes serial. You can read part six here and previous parts here.
Thanks for reading the Jet Fuel Review blog this week. We hope to see you at our release party!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan