Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Hello, blog readers, and welcome to this week’s round-up of the past week’s posts. Before we get to that, though, I’d like to congratulate the Jet Fuel Review staff on launching our Spring 2013 issue! This is the Review’s fifth issue, which is very exciting. The issue looks fantastic and we have featured some really amazing writers and artists. This year we’re offering some really interesting, which is an eBook version of the Review. That’s right — you can now view the Review on your Kindle or other eReader. Be sure to check out the Jet Fuel Review’s Spring 2013 issue.
This week kicked off with a Writing Advice post about the art of editing. Editing is often considered to be the most difficult part of writing, so we seek to offer some advice on that process. The Community Discussion this week talked about our love and loyalty to bookstores. Were you a devotee of Borders before they went out of business? Do you have an independent bookstore that you’re fiercely loyal to? Share it in the comments! This week’s featured poem from Slate was Distant Wants, by Jeffrey Skinner. Lucas’ film blog this week talked about Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell, a Hajime Soto film.
In this week’s News of the Books post by Liz, she discussed how women writers have been segregated to their own section on Wikipedia. Why is there a women writers list if the men writers haven’t also been separated out? Check out the post for Liz’s opinion! For Fictional Friday this week, Lauren decided to talk about Lemony Snicket, one of my favorite authors! And, finally, the seventh installment of Linda’s Sherlock serial story was posted. You can find all of the parts here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s posts at the blog. Don’t forget to check out the Spring 2013 issue of the Jet Fuel Review!
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan