Image source: http://editorialiste.blogspot.com
Hello, blog readers! It’s time once again to look back at the posts we’ve been featuring here on the blog. But first, I want to remind you all that Issue #8 of the Jet Fuel Review, the Fall 2014 issue, is now available! As always, the Review has published some truly exceptional work in the fields of non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and art. If you’re on-the-go, you can download an eBook version of this latest issue to read anywhere at all. We hope that you check out this latest issue and that you enjoy reading it. Thanks to everyone who contributed their work and to all the editors who helped put the issue together.
Starting with last week’s posts, we published a Writing Advice post that talked about the metaphorical problem of being “lost in the woods” of your story. All writers go through this, the trick is knowing how to hack your way back out of the woods. This past week, we published some Writing Advice about including commonplace items and occurrences in your story to jumpstart your imagination when you’re feeling blocked. We also featured a poem by Eliot Khalil Wilson entitled Origin Blues: An Elegy.
Although the end of the fall semester is approaching, some of our editors have still been posting here. Sabrina Parr reviewed Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson in her latest Book Corner post. This sounds like a fun holiday read! Grant Mazan wrote a post about Jim Morrison’s affinity for Jack Daniel’s. Mike Egan, one of our film bloggers, wrote about the offbeat success starring Michael Keaton, Birdman. And Miguel Gonazalez, our other wonderful film blogger, wrote about the new Star Wars trailer that has the internet buzzing.
Finally, we finished up the semester with our final two “Meet the Editors” posts. First we profiled Symone McCoy, our Communications and Media Editor and Assistant Marketing and Development Editor. And this past week we profiled Kelly Lyons, the Assistant Blog Editor who has been working to bring you all this wonderful content for the past couple of months. Many thanks to Kelly for her hard work and her acquisition of our awesome new bloggers!
As some of you might already know, things tend to die down here at the blog during the holiday season. Our editors are on their winter break starting next week, so they won’t be around to write new posts until the new semester begins in January. We will still have some posts here and there, but expect things to be quieter than normal in the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your understanding and we hope that you come back when things are in full swing once again at the Jet Fuel Review.
– Jet Fuel Blog Editor, Mary Egan